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Søndag d. 29 marts – 1 x TLF
• XXXX ringede, bøvl med at få køreplaner ud af M3
o Efter at have talt med YYYYYYY (som talte med ZZZZZ) viser det sig at de ligger i ”uønsket post” …. For helvede XXXXX!
• XXXX ringede, bøvl med at få køreplaner ud af M3
o Efter at have talt med YYYYYYY (som talte med ZZZZZ) viser det sig at de ligger i ”uønsket post” …. For helvede XXXXX!
Jump through a portal and you get to fight some seriously tough ax-wielding cows. This Easter egg is an inside joke among Diablo diehards: There was a rumor about the first Diablo that if one of the random cows that appeared throughout the game was clicked on enough times, a portal to a secret level would open. This rumor came true with the sequel, with a hidden level full of heavily armed bovines.
Jump through a portal and you get to fight some seriously tough ax-wielding cows. This Easter egg is an inside joke among Diablo diehards: There was a rumor about the first Diablo that if one of the random cows that appeared throughout the game was clicked on enough times, a portal to a secret level would open. This rumor came true with the sequel, with a hidden level full of heavily armed bovines.
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