N: BBC micro genopstår
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I 1980 kom BBC micro og var startskuddet for mange til at lære om computere og programmering.
Nu, 25 år senere, gør de det igen :)
I samarbejde med diverse Universiteter, læreanstalter og firmaer (bl.a. Samsung) vil alle børn i UK, der til oktober er i deres 7. leveår, kunne få en BBC micro:bit gratis og man regner med at have delt 1 mio. ud af dem ved årets udgang.
• 25 red LEDs to light up, flash messages, create games and invent digital stories.
• Two programmable buttons activated when pressed. Use the micro:bit as a games controller. Pause or skip songs on a playlist.
• On-board motion detector or “accelerometer” that can detect movement and tell other devices you’re on the go. Featured actions include shake, tilt and freefall. Turn the micro:bit into a spirit level. Light it up when something is moved. Use it for motion-activated games.
• A built-in compass or “magnetometer” to sense which direction you’re facing, your movement in degrees, and where you are. Includes an in-built magnet, and can sense certain types of metal.
• Bluetooth Smart Technology to connect to the internet and interact with the world around you. Connect the micro:bit to other micro:bits, devices, kits, phones, tablets, cameras and everyday objects all around. Share creations or join forces to create multi-micro:bit masterpieces. Take a selfie. Pause a DVD or control your playlist.
• Five Input and Output (I/O) rings to connect the micro:bit to devices or sensors using crocodile clips or 4mm banana plugs. Use the micro:bit to send commands to and from the rings, to power devices like robots and motors.
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Nu, 25 år senere, gør de det igen :)
I samarbejde med diverse Universiteter, læreanstalter og firmaer (bl.a. Samsung) vil alle børn i UK, der til oktober er i deres 7. leveår, kunne få en BBC micro:bit gratis og man regner med at have delt 1 mio. ud af dem ved årets udgang.
• 25 red LEDs to light up, flash messages, create games and invent digital stories.
• Two programmable buttons activated when pressed. Use the micro:bit as a games controller. Pause or skip songs on a playlist.
• On-board motion detector or “accelerometer” that can detect movement and tell other devices you’re on the go. Featured actions include shake, tilt and freefall. Turn the micro:bit into a spirit level. Light it up when something is moved. Use it for motion-activated games.
• A built-in compass or “magnetometer” to sense which direction you’re facing, your movement in degrees, and where you are. Includes an in-built magnet, and can sense certain types of metal.
• Bluetooth Smart Technology to connect to the internet and interact with the world around you. Connect the micro:bit to other micro:bits, devices, kits, phones, tablets, cameras and everyday objects all around. Share creations or join forces to create multi-micro:bit masterpieces. Take a selfie. Pause a DVD or control your playlist.
• Five Input and Output (I/O) rings to connect the micro:bit to devices or sensors using crocodile clips or 4mm banana plugs. Use the micro:bit to send commands to and from the rings, to power devices like robots and motors.
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