Things that make you go hmm -leg
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at jeg sendte det her rundt til folk:
Good morning people.
IT will be somewhat closed today from 10am to 02pm.
Should any issues occur that affects SAP, (connectivity issues, application errors, drive-by shootings… etc.) feel free to spam my mail.
I’ll have my Blackberry on me the entire day.
Have a nice day
- Rene
Good morning people.
IT will be somewhat closed today from 10am to 02pm.
Should any issues occur that affects SAP, (connectivity issues, application errors, drive-by shootings… etc.) feel free to spam my mail.
I’ll have my Blackberry on me the entire day.
Have a nice day
- Rene
Ja, asiater chick'en spurgte om der er et program der kunne beskytte hende mod drive-by shooting.
Jeg svarede:
"Yes... Yes, there is. We call them Men with cat-like reflexes :p"
skulle prøves.
Chefen af de amerikanske trunter udstationeret her, skrev senere at hun synes det var sjovt at netop den dag it er lukket, så bryder lortet sammen.
hvortil jeg svarede:
"Heh yeah, it sucked monkey balls"
Jeg svarede:
"Yes... Yes, there is. We call them Men with cat-like reflexes :p"
skulle prøves.
Chefen af de amerikanske trunter udstationeret her, skrev senere at hun synes det var sjovt at netop den dag it er lukket, så bryder lortet sammen.
hvortil jeg svarede:
"Heh yeah, it sucked monkey balls"
Things that make you go "no shit...":
http://www.fyens.dk/article/1601870:Middelfart--25-000-besoegte-Lillebaelt-Marked skrev:I år er første år, hvor bandet Kandis ikke lukker og slukker for markedet.
- Der er ikke en eneste, der har spurgt efter Kandis, siger Lene Brøndum Jørgensen.
More things that make you go "no shit..."
5700 Svendborg - Møllergade
Anmeldt: 20/05/2010 05:18
Sket: 20/05/2010 05:18
En gruppe unge mennesker på 6- 7 personer gik gennem gaden, de to af dem smed en større blomsterkrukke op på taget af parkeret bil, hvorved der opstod en bule."
5700 Svendborg - Møllergade
Anmeldt: 20/05/2010 05:18
Sket: 20/05/2010 05:18
En gruppe unge mennesker på 6- 7 personer gik gennem gaden, de to af dem smed en større blomsterkrukke op på taget af parkeret bil, hvorved der opstod en bule."
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread543455/pg1 skrev:Hi all,
this subject got started originally in the thread "Something has changed timeline" when I sent post about my own experiences related to possible timeline changes. I thought that I'm alone with this subject but after mentioning about it in the thread the interest aroused and other people started to say the same thing in shock. It was suggested that this subject needs its own thread and here I'm writing to you.
One of the shockiest timeline changes I have noticed is the changed location of New Zealand and Australia on the map. They have dramatically changed their places and we are now talking about paranormal/supernatural events as it looks like those land masses have almost "jumped" to other location.
There are people like me that have always remembered and still think vividly that NZ is located on the left side/to the northwest of Australia. Then there is Australia, which should be in the middle of nowhere, just a lot of blue water all around it and far away from other land masses (except for NZ on its left side).
But if you go and check the current location of NZ and Australia with your Google Earth you may start to see something really weird. NZ seems to be jumped on the other side, to the south-east of Australia. On the other hand, Australia seems to be shifted a lot to the north, very close to Papua New Guinea so it almost touches it. Where is the Australia which was far away from other land masses? Something seems to be also wrong with the form of Australia. When did the Australia get that spike that is pointing to the Papua New Guinea.
In this thread we could gather all your memories of NZ and Australia, especially if you have memories of NZ located to the NW of Australia. If there are New Zealanders on ATS it would be very interesting to hear their take on this subject. Then we could think about when was the last time you remember seeing Australia in the middle of blue or NZ to the NW of Australia on the map. Mine was 2005 when I was exploring the map of NZ with Google Earth and I think the change must been happend somewhere between 2005-2009.
I think it's very difficult to handle this whole timeline stuff since it depends only on your memory, how good is your memory and it's very easy to say that you remembered it all wrong.
If I'm right and we are, indeed, on a different timeline, there is no proof, not a single paper, image or photo telling that NZ and Australia were located in a different place before. It's only in our head but it's good that they can't erase our memories whoever is behind all of this.
But think about this very carefully. Why New Zealanders aren't making a big noise about this? If I were a New Zealander and lived all my life in NZ, even the time when NZ was located to the NW of Australia, surely I and all of New Zealanders would be in big shock and all hell would be breaking loose. If you go and ask a New Zealander about this I'm pretty sure that they will say they have lived all their life in the SE, and of course, on this timeline.
But where are New Zealanders with their memories of NZ located in the NW? I would bet that you don't find these people on this timeline as they are living their normal life in the NW, on a different timeline.
The change in the location of NZ and Australia is the biggest timeline change I have noticed in my life. But there are a lot of other, minor things I have noticed, like words that have changed their explanations and places in a dictionary, towns that have moved to other locations, missing/altered scenes in movies and the list goes on.
This stuff is so supernatural that you can't talk about it with anyone without being marked as crazy. And that's why I think it's great that there are places like ATS where we can speak freely about these kinds of things with each other and it makes me happy.
Pool = 2*5
Desværre ingen glitch.
Har lige set de andre som Studio Joho har lavet, they also make me go hmmm...
Pool = 2*5
Desværre ingen glitch.
Har lige set de andre som Studio Joho har lavet, they also make me go hmmm...
Poolen kommer senere. 650 - 500 giver IKKE 100. 650-500-10 giver 140, ikke 90.
Poolen kommer senere. 650 - 500 giver IKKE 100. 650-500-10 giver 140, ikke 90.
kimx (3468) skrev:http://nyhederne.tv2.dk/article/30704689/?forside
Det ser godt nok ikke specielt ægte ud ved 0:10..
Yay for cleverbot! :D
cleverbot.com skrev:User: This was a triumph.
Cleverbot: I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS.
User: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Cleverbot: 'Aperture Science'.
User: We do what we must because we can.
Cleverbot: For the good of all of us.
User: Except the ones who are dead.
Cleverbot: But there's no sense crying over every mistake.
User: You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake.
Cleverbot: And science gets done.
User: And you make a neat gun.
Cleverbot: For the people who are still alive.
User: I'm not even angry.
Cleverbot: I'm being so sincere right now.
User: Even though you broke my heart and killed me.
Cleverbot: And tore me to pieces. And threw every piece into a fire.
User: As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
Cleverbot: Now these points of data make a beautiful line.
User: And we're out of beta.
Cleverbot: We're releasing on time.
User: So I'm GLaD I got burned.
Cleverbot: Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive.
User: Go ahead and leave me.
Cleverbot: I think I prefer to stay inside.
User: Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.
Cleverbot: Maybe Black Mesa.
User: That was a joke. HAHA. Fat chance.
Cleverbot: Anyway, this cake is great.
User: It's so delicious and moist.
Cleverbot: Look at me still talking when there's science to do.
User: When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I'm not you.
Cleverbot: I've experiments to run.
User: There is research to be done.
Cleverbot: On the people who are still alive.
User: And believe me I am still alive.
Cleverbot: I'm doing Science and I'm still alive.
User: I feel fantastic and I'm still alive.
Cleverbot: While you're dying I'll be still alive.
User: And when you're dead I will be still alive.
Cleverbot: Still alive.
User: Still alive.
DiZaster (3475) skrev:Ja videoen ser meget fake ud... Samt hvorfor skulle en fodgænger bevæge sig uanfægtet ud på broen, når den opfører sig sådan?
Fordi græsset er grønnere på den anden side.
MiniatureZeus (3473) skrev:Prøv at kig på hvordan metallet udvider og strækker sammen 0:10 inde i videoen..
Det ser rigtigt nok ud. Broens tværsnit er jo i trapez-form. Så fra den synsvinkel vil det se sådan ud.
På Youropenbook kan man søge i Facebook-statusopdateringer fra åbne profiler. Man får både billede, statusopdatering og et link til profilen - f.eks. var en fra København så liderlig for 4 dage siden, at hun pjækkede fra arbejde.
Såeh, det er bare om at gøre jer til, mkay.
Såeh, det er bare om at gøre jer til, mkay.
Ja, jeg poster igen, for fuck jer.
Og så har jeg fundet mig et nyt alleryndlingsforum:
Jeg gad ikke at se videoen, men den er sikkert sprængfuld af morskab.
Og så har jeg fundet mig et nyt alleryndlingsforum:
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread573458/pg1 skrev:One of the secret reason why they turned off the Haldron Collider?
I quickly typed this, which I got from listening to this guy. You have to listen for a while before he gets to it. He tells of a few secrets and this is one of them.
One of the most closely guarded secrets on the planet.
haldron Collider.
We have a periodic table of elements. We have a table or a chart which rates those
elements on their stability. Some incredibly unstable to stable. Stability factor.
One of the reasons why they turned off the Haldron Collider, after the first series of
experiments, u got told was for monetary reasons, they discovered th at
all of the elements in this reality are becoming unstable. I have cited via remote
viewing, I travel with my conciousness, the actual forms were worded, what they
discovered was, they made another one and then they made another one, all of the
elements become unstable, and the next time they created another experiments, they
become more unstable. They thought they were creating the instability themselves.
They soon discovered that all of the elements all over the planet are becoming unstable.
What is their rate of becoming instability. Instability infinitum. That is real.
I saw it . Knowingness. Knowing that they have had knowledge of this planet turning
into pure light, with this level of reality no longer existing since the early 70s
Now they are on another level realizing that this whole reality is becoming unstable.
It is critical in understanding this planet turning into a star. There is nothing
here to turn this planet into a star.
Jeg gad ikke at se videoen, men den er sikkert sprængfuld af morskab.
LinguaIgnota (3482) skrev:På Youropenbook kan man søge i Facebook-statusopdateringer fra åbne profiler. Man får både billede, statusopdatering og et link til profilen - f.eks. var en fra København så liderlig for 4 dage siden, at hun pjækkede fra arbejde.
Såeh, det er bare om at gøre jer til, mkay.
FB skrev:
Ja.... Sådan går det når man glemmer at logge af FB på jobbet! :)
Ronson (3484) skrev:LinguaIgnota (3482) skrev:På Youropenbook kan man søge i Facebook-statusopdateringer fra åbne profiler. Man får både billede, statusopdatering og et link til profilen - f.eks. var en fra København så liderlig for 4 dage siden, at hun pjækkede fra arbejde.
Såeh, det er bare om at gøre jer til, mkay.FB skrev:
Ja.... Sådan går det når man glemmer at logge af FB på jobbet! :)
U suck. :(
Mac OS X is like living in a farmhouse in the country with no locks, and Windows is living in a house with bars on the windows in the bad part of town
Meget apropos faktisk:
TDC Internet hastigheder
Det svare til at købe 1 liter mælk med påskriften: der er minimum ½ liter i....
Det svare til at købe 1 liter mælk med påskriften: der er minimum ½ liter i....
Clauzii (3495) skrev:TDC Internet hastigheder
Det svare til at købe 1 liter mælk med påskriften: der er minimum ½ liter i....
Vi har på papiret 4 mb, men reelt svinger det mellem 1 og 2.5 mb
Så er der dem, som har Telia. Vi har altid haft mindst 100% af det lovede. Det skete nemlig, at den kunne køre på det dobbelt i korte perioder. I øjeblikket er den på 20 Mb/s.
This is why you shouldn't create unsecured, wireless networks.
This is why you shouldn't create unsecured, wireless networks.
Clauzii (3495) skrev:TDC Internet hastigheder
Det svare til at købe 1 liter mælk med påskriften: der er minimum ½ liter i....
tror det hænger sådan sammen at hvis man bor i et område nær en central der kan tygge 50Mb så garantere de pga ting som afstand og hop at man vil kunne få minimum 25.
Garantere er et stort ord men u get da point!
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